Monday, May 7, 2012

March 18th. The Dorward Reserve Ride.

This ride was planned with our “Tuesday” riders in mind, a short distance and any type of bike, to have the option of on or off road. There were 15 riders and considering the wind’s force, this was a great turnout and with five non-riders meeting us at Dorward Reserve, this was a great response. Most left from the hall, but re-grouped at Stenross’s and picked up more riders. Some went onto the Parnkalla Trail here, others at Lions or Haigh Drive an a couple stayed on the road. We all enjoyed the challenge the wind presented, (or not), but as it was straight off the water, there wasn’t much protection for anyone. Some of our members had not experienced our “back-up” support, so Kingsley took our trailer out and provided a typically fantastic pit-stop for us, ably assisted by Carol. They set up in a perfectly sheltered spot and by the time riders started arriving, the kettles had boiled, chairs were in position and food was on the tables, (with tablecloths of course). There was much socialising and plenty of jaw exercises being done, but all good things must come to an end. It would have been easy to stay, so a group photo was taken, we packed up and prepared to head home....until....a flat tyre. Yep, if we’re doing 5kms or 55kms, we can get a puncture and this was the second one for the day. This isn’t a problem if our spare tubes or puncture kits are in order, but if not, it can be a nightmare. Once on the way, we all rode our chosen route back and re-grouped at Stenross’s for a head-count before going our separate ways.

The Blackberry Ride

A distance of 36 kms, this ride was almost entirely on tracks and dirt roads. Nine of us headed out of town via Tenant St. and Grantala Rd. to the Old West Road access track. We crossed the main road a couple of times to keep to the tracks and through what used to be ‘The Pines’ to Pines Road. Left along Hyde Road for a short distance took us to private property and onto a fire access track. The track meandered over gentle hills, through clumps of gums, past cropping paddocks and through a few gates. We crossed into an adjoining property and followed the pipeline, taking in the uninterrupted views. Soon Dene warned us that there was a creek ahead which was steep and required caution in and out of it. ‘Yeeehaa’! See the photo attached. It was a ripper! Some had to ‘hoof it’ a bit for not selecting a low enough gear in time, but all survived and it became the talking point of the ride until we stopped for a snack break. The last gate took us onto the main road near Greenpatch Farm where we turned on onto Clark’s Lane. Along the roadside there were huge clumps of blackberry briars, much to the delight of some of us. Yes, dust and all, we got stuck into them, vowing to return later in the car. A few more kms of great views, chatter and perfect riding conditions, then we began the sometimes “hairy” downhill into Nth Shields. Was that burning brakes I could smell? Dorwards Rd. never looked so good. We called into the roadhouse at Shields for a cuppa and half of the cake counter, then onto the track back into Lincoln.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fun cycling the week of the Tour Down Under

26th January Mayors breakfast Ride

11 riders on the breakfast ride. Headed out toward happy valley road to Lincoln highway and down the hill via some back roads to Mortlock terrace then back to the foreshore. Great ride back to the Mayor’s breakfast. Dene was bike security while everyone was at the breakfast. Thanks Dene.

20th November Coffin bay to Avoid bay

Raelene’s Point Avoid Ride

On Sunday morning we all met at 9am at Coffin Bay town jetty for a ride to the National Park and eventual end destination of Point Avoid. It was great to have Dene, Max, Jo and Mary ride to Templetonia Lookout. A first for Max and a wonderful achievement for Dene, Well done!
Jo was on her Bike Friday and as it was Sunday - it became a Sunday Funday. Mary was happy to ride as monitor for safety for the day on her new Trek Maddone 5.2, it’s a beautiful looking machine, and goes like crazy!
The group rested at Templetonia until we all arrived and then the rest of us took off to the bottom of the
hill and left UP the hill toward Point Avoid.
Congratulations to Caroline who achieved the climb with the verbal encouragement
from Peggy, Terry and Raelene - a great effort as this was the first time since her first ever ride and it was a different story!
Dave found that he could wait for the slow one, - he doesn't think he could ride as slow as me uphills. It was great to see Ann Lord out on her mountain bike, Mig on a road bike going for the distance training for the Tour Down Under, along with Brian Ashton, and the rest of the team. Pat and Marie obviously benefitted from their recent walking tour O/S as they had no problems rolling over the hills. Richard was hard to keep under speed, but we are used to that! I am sure that I saw him coming back from Golden Island lookout before he actually got to the morning tea stop at Point Avoid. It was great to have Kingsley with a sumptuous morning tea laid out courtesy of Murray Business Solutions, with the clubs new chairs to sit and enjoy the view across the water. The morning tea was a thank you for members who attended a recent event at the Lincoln Hotel.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tuesday ride

Tuseday rides are proving very popular with some tuesdays having up to 24 riders. Last tuesday the 31st Jan we had a good crowd and all enjoyed a coffee at Cruisers down at the Marina.